How to differentiate a healthy egg from a sick egg?

How to differentiate a healthy egg from a sick egg?

Eggs, which are naturally rich in vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, B6 and B12) and minerals and trace elements (folic acid, selenium, potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus) Meat and fish a source of complete protein. Their high content of essential nutrients makes it a necessary ingredient in a healthy diet. The benefits of eggs Eggs are essential to the proper functioning of the body. Low in calories (100 calories), they promote the sensation of satiety and provide an important nutritional and energy contribution as part of a healthy and balanced diet.
The egg white is rich in proteins (10.5 g per 100 g of white) and water. It is the ovalbumins it contains which make it hard during cooking. As for the globulins, they foam when the white is beaten with a whip.
The yellow is composed of two antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids that give it its color and slow the aging of the eyes by fighting against the cataract. In addition, it is composed of choline which promotes the functioning of the brain. Eggs contain phospholipids, triglycerides and cholesterol, and cholesterol has for a long time earned them a bad reputation from a nutritional point of view. People prone to bad cholesterol (LDL) tend to limit or even avoid their egg consumption, especially in a cholesterol-lowering diet (low in cholesterol). However, many studies have shown that dietary cholesterol has little or no association with cardiovascular disorders. Indeed, an egg brings the equivalent of 300 mg of cholesterol per day, which is the daily intake recommended by nutrition experts.

How to differentiate a healthy egg from a sick egg?

The quality of an egg necessarily depends on the condition of the hen that laid it. A healthy and healthy hen is entitled to a varied and balanced diet and transmits all the nutrients it ingests to its eggs. In addition, she must be able to move in the open air and be able to move freely and breathe fresh air so that all these nutrients are assimilated properly. Battery hens that live on one another and are confined to tight spaces will never be able to lay eggs of the same quality as those that live on a farm and outdoors.
A study published by the Oxford Journal has highlighted the fact that beta-carotene in eggs depends on that of the chicken. There are two schools for food shopping: farm produce and supermarket and supermarket products. Whatever the origin of your products, especially eggs, here are some tips to find out if they come from a sick or healthy hen.

Where to get healthy eggs?
For the most courageous and those with sufficient space (a large garden or a farm), it is possible to raise your own chickens and feed them properly.

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